Hey, I’m
Guitar / Pedal Steel / Entertainer
Gretsch Guitar Artist Feature:
Associated Acts:
Michelle Romary- https://www.michelleromary.com/
Jen Maurer, Mo' Mojo-
Nathan Hedges- https://nathanhedgesmusic.net/
Fox Ears- https://www.facebook.com/FoxEarsMusic/
Rye Valley- https://ryevalley.bandcamp.com/
Brian Bacon- https://www.brianbaconmusic.com/
Mikey Silas- https://www.mikeysilas.com/
About Me
I'm Tyler Ray Lobdell, but you know me better as simply Tyler Ray. I started playing music with the influence of my family when I was 12 years old, and had been musical my whole life prior. Over the years I've bounced from instrument to instrument of the typical Americana variety, but my mainstay has always been electric guitar and now pedal steel. When I moved to Cleveland, OH in 2016, that was the launch pad I needed to let my skills and discipline with playing music shine.
I enjoy rock and roll and electric guitar. I love the volume, the possibilities of effects and the way it makes me physically move. However, there's much, much more to playing guitar and playing music than turning up and tearing up. I take my time to learn about the people I work with in terms of their music and who they are as a person. I like to prepare for gigs with homework, recordings and charts, and if I feel it necessary, a schedule of rehearsals. What sets me apart is a forward thinking approach. I'm solution oriented and ready to freshen up your presentation of performance, both musically and physically, to provide an experience that's fully enjoyable to you, and your audience. At the end of the show, we won't even feel like we had to work that much at all.
Thanks for your time!
2023 Bookings
Apr 27- Fox Ears w Window Dogs, Winchester Music Tav (Lakewood, OH)
Apr 20- Reverend Lee, Water St Tav (Kent OH) Roots Fest
Apr 19- Reverend Lee, JC's Tavern (Burton,OH), 9pm
Apr 18- Cats on Holiday, duo, Elle Restaurant, Solon, OH
Apr 8- Reverend Lee (Whiskey Throttle) w Apostle Jones, Great Lakes Brewing, Eclipse party
Apr 7- Lauren Lanzaretta, Velvet Tango Room brunch
Apr 6- Cats on Holiday, private party (Rochester, NY)
Apr 4- Cats on Holiday, First Thurs, Forest City Brewery
Mar 29- Jen Maurer Project, Mustard Seed Market (HSQ)
Mar 23- Reverend Lee, Dukes N Boots, Willoughby, OH
Mar 22- Fox Ears, Winchester Music Tav (Lakewood OH) 8pm
Mar 22- Reverend Lee (Whiskey Throttle), Spotlight Cleveland 10pm
Mar 16- Fox Ears, Coda Tremont
Mar 15- Rye Valley, Dukes N Boots, Willoughby OH
Mar 9- Rye Valley at Rialto Theatre, 8pm
Mar 9, Reverend Lee, Brother's Lounge Main Stage, 11pm
Mar 8- Reverend Lee (Whiskey Throttle) Beachland Tavern, 8pm
Mar 7- Cats on Holiday, First Thurs, Forest City Brewery
Mar 2- Cats on Holiday, Brother's Lounge Main Stage
Mar 1- Chris Allen, St Raphael's Fish Fry, 5:30
Feb 29- Mikey Silas and Friends Blues and Soul Slam (feature guitar)
Feb 24- Fox Ears, Coda Tremont
Feb 23- Michelle Romary trio, St Raphael's Fish Fry, 5:30pm
Feb 23- Cats on Holiday, Flat Iron 7pm
Feb 17- Fox Ears, Brothers Lounge front stage
Feb 16- Rye Valley, Dukes N Boots, Willoughby OH
Feb 13- Cats on Holiday Mardi Gras, Parkview Niteclub
Feb 11- Cats on Holiday Collision Bend (noon-3pm)
Feb 10- Cats on Holiday private event
Feb 9- Cats on Holiday, Hooley House Westlake
Feb 2- Fox Ears, Cleveland Rocks PPF
Feb 1- Cats on Holiday - First Thursdays, Forest City
Jan 27- Fox Ears, Beerhead Cleveland (flats)
Jan 26- Reverend Lee (Whiskey Throttle), Dukes N Boots, Willoughby, OH (pedal steel)
Jan 19- Rye Valley, Dukes N Boots, Willoughby OH (pedal steel)
Jan 18- Lee Matsos Miller, Mahall's, 8pm
Jan 18- Rye Valley, Coda, 9:30pm (pedal steel)
Jan 14, Cats on Holiday- Duo, Rush Inn, Avon
Jan 12- Cats on Holiday at Flat Iron
Jan 11- w Lauren Lanzaretta - Women in Song showcase, Beachland Tav, 8pm
Jan 6- Rye Valley at Rialto Theatre (pedal steel)
Jan 4- Cats on Holiday - First Thursdays, Forest City